ua-snap / cmip6-utils

Pipelines and utilites for working with CMIP6 data
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Invalid statement and missing chart in regridding QC visual notebook #52

Open kyleredilla opened 2 months ago

kyleredilla commented 2 months ago

Here is some sample output from the visual QC notebook for the regridding pipeline:


It chokes on /import/beegfs/CMIP6/kmredilla/cmip6_regridding/regrid/KACE-1-0-G/ssp245/Amon/tasmax/ saying it can't be opened, but I verified that it can. Something is going on here, I believe it could be related to the calendar of the cmip6 source file and how the random sample date is selected / queried.

Further, notice how the print statement

Sample timestamp not found in source file (/beegfs/CMIP6/arctic-cmip6/CMIP6/ScenarioMIP/MPI-M/MPI-ESM1-2-LR/ssp585/r1i1p1f1/Amon/tasmin/gn/v20190710/ Using nearest.

happens before the failed plotting - that file actually does plot below the failed one:


that part is normal functionality, it is just the fact that the KACE-1-0-G file doesn't plot correctly that is the reason for this issue.