ua-snap / prefect

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Add full variable names to regridding luts via comments #41

Open charparr opened 1 month ago

charparr commented 1 month ago

Something like (needs to be validated):

all_vars = [
    "clt",  # cloud area fraction
    "evspsbl",  # evaporation including sublimation and transpiration
    "hfls",  # surface upward latent heat flux
    "hfss",  # surface upward sensible heat flux
    "hus",  # specific humidity
    "huss",  # near surface specific humidity
    "mrro",  # total runoff
    "mrsol",  # moisture in upper portion of soil column
    "mrsos",  # total water content of soil layer
    "orog",  # surface altitude
    "pr",  # precipitation
    "prsn",  # snowfall flux
    "ps",  # surface air pressure
    "psl",  # sea level pressure
    "rlds",  # surface downwelling longwave flux in air
    "rls",  # surface net downward longwave flux
    "rsds",  # surface downwelling shortwave flux_in_air
    "rss",  # surface net downward shortwave flux
    "sfcWind",  # surface wind speed
    "sfcWindmax",  # maximum surface wind speed
    "sftlf",  # percentage of the grid cell occupied by land including lakes
    "sftof",  # sea area percentage
    "siconc",  # sea ice concentration
    "sithick",  # sea ice thickness
    "snd",  # surface snow thickness
    "snw",  # surface snow amount
    "ta",  # temperature at 850hPa ???
    "tas",  # near surface air temperature
    "tasmax",  # maximum near surface air temperature
    "tasmin",  # minimum near surface air temperature
    "tos",  # sea surface temperature
    "ts",  # surface temperature ???
    "tsl",  # temperature at surface level
    "ua",  # eastward wind
    "uas",  # near surface eastward wind
    "va",  # northward wind
    "vas",  # near surface northwawrd wind
    "zg",  # geopotential height at 500hPa

@kyleredilla thoughts?

kyleredilla commented 1 month ago

Yeah this is definitely a nice thing to have. Consider it validated, I will throw it in a commit in PR #40 Also ta is just "air temperature", it will have multiple different pressure levels. ts is indeed just surface / skin temperature. tsl is soil temperature, we don't have any of that yet I don't think, but I've made an issue to get some of that.