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SNAP web site
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text change at top of data download page #191

Closed takurkowski closed 10 years ago

takurkowski commented 10 years ago

please replace everything above the CC license box (including deleting the variable table) with the below:

SNAP data includes downscaled historically observed, modeled historical, as well as modeled projected data out to 2100 across several top ranked GCM's and scenarios (SRES or RCPs). Data is produced on a project specific basis, but when time and feasibility allows, we try and extend analyses to the greatest spatial and temporal extent possible to allow the greatest applicability to other projects as well. In the broadest sense, our data extends from ~mid 1800's to 2100, across multiple spatial extents including: Alaska, Alaska-Western Canada, Polar, & worldwide.

The list of variables is always expanding, so please explore below to see what we currently have available.

All of our downloadable data is provided in GeoTIFF format. We've standardized on geotiff thus far because it is a stable and compressed format that can be easily read by many open source and commercial GIS and data manipulation programs including ArcGIS, QGIS, R (raster package recommended), GDAL, GRASS, and many others.

While it’s hard to have a completely static file naming scheme, we make every attempt to keep some consistency across our various datasets. This naming scheme outlined below is our general guide, although it does vary depending upon each dataset. Please refer to the full metadata for details on specific datasets.


{CC license box here}