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Packages not installing in R studio #447

Open wwarriner opened 1 year ago

wwarriner commented 1 year ago

My packages are not installing in R studio, what gives?

Let's add a segment to the docs describing the workaround for installing R packages using R at the command line.

  1. module load R
  2. load other modules as needed (harfbuzz, fribidi, etc)
  3. R to start the REPL (read-evaluate-print loop)
  4. install.packages()
wwarriner commented 1 year ago

Apparently we have this in the ask.CI FAQ:

I added a line about loading other modules. I feel like this is now a complete answer to virtually anyone's R package woes (if a clunky workaround).

This FAQ entry should definitely be referenced in our docs, so this issue will remain open for now.

wwarriner commented 1 year ago is another option for working with hard-to-install R packages. It's pretty much a complete summary of the options researchers have available.

wwarriner commented 1 year ago

Related to #350