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Investigate access control based player permissions/audio thumbnails #111

Closed seanluyk closed 5 years ago

seanluyk commented 7 years ago

Descriptive summary

There are cases where due to the in-copyright status of digital music collections, we are only permitted to provide open access to audio thumbnails--30-90 second music clips dependent on song length and not the whole song (thanks to the famous SOCAN v. Bell judgement). In this scenario, we may also be able to provide full access to the same materials to authenticated users (e.g. existing CCID holders or visiting researchers who we provide temporary CCIDs to).

I would like to find out if this could be done within the application, as opposed to externally, to avoid having to manage both clips and full-length items (which creates metadata and file management headaches).

Here are some of the questions and issues I've thought of:

  1. If this can be done in the application, how would the thumbnails be marked (arbitrary 30-90 seconds from the beginning, timecodes fed in from an external tool (e.g. pyaudioanalysis can create audio thumbnails)? Just wondering what's possible/realistic in this area...
  2. Is it possible to enforce access control to the player (i.e. CCID holder can hear whole song, the public can hear 30 second only)?

I realize that this is a confusing one, so let me know if you'd like to take the discusion offline!

seanluyk commented 5 years ago

Doing some cleanup