ualbertalib / dvn

Dataverse Network (DVN): for UAL Dataverse Network, University of Alberta Libraries
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help upstream craft #6

Closed pdurbin closed 10 years ago

pdurbin commented 10 years ago

Hello! I'm one of the @IQSS Dataverse developers and I just discovered your fork of DVN 3.6! Rather than simply talking to myself out loud at I thought I'd introduce myself.

Since you've worked on LDAP support, I wanted to make sure you're aware of the dvn-auth mailing list:

I also want to make sure you are aware that all of our development effort right now is going into a re-write that we're calling Dataverse 4.0:

(I wish that URL didn't say "Spring 2014" in it because it's already Spring! Eep!)

Anyway, I'm thinking about adding a file to the new code base (which we plan to make public soon) and if there is anything you'd like to see in there that would help make contributing upstream easier, I'd love to hear it.

Thanks for all your hard work on Dataverse!

pdurbin commented 10 years ago

I'm going to close this issue because we recently wrote

Of course, we still welcome feedback on anything we've written there! Send us a pull request. :)

(For the issue of LDAP support specifically, please see .)

Thanks again for everything!