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Invalid DOI? #1711

Closed mbarnett closed 4 years ago

mbarnett commented 4 years ago

Submitted via email

Forwarding Sam's note to DIT Devs for resolution, and exploration of how wide-spread this possible DOI issue is.

Anna ERA Help

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Sam Popowich Date: Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 6:44 PM Subject: Invalid DOI? To: - erahelp

Hi there,

Someone let me know that the DOI on this page:

Goes to an Invalid DOI datacite page. Not sure what's up - I seem to remember there were some DOI issue a while ago - but I thought I would let you know in case it's a wide(r)-spread problem.

Thanks, Sam.


Sam Popowich

PhD Student, University of Birmingham

Head, Discovery and Web Services University of Alberta Library Edmonton, Alberta ORCID: 0000-0002-2884-6628

"But so you do not think me immune to all human failings, one insatiable desire possesses me, which I have so far not been able or willing to rein in; for I beguile myself into thinking that desire of honourable things cannot be dishonourable. Are you waiting to hear the type of my affliction? I cannot have a sufficiency of books. Indeed I have more than I should, but as in other matters, so it turns out with books: success in seeking is a spur to covetousness." - Petrarch, letter to Giovanni dell'Incisa.


mbarnett commented 4 years ago
irb(main):001:0> i = Item.find("048f1970-8324-41aa-a993-bace2b9257c2")
=> #<Item id: "048f1970-8324-41aa-a993-bace2b9257c2", visibility: "", record_created_at: 2018-05-16 07:00:34 UTC, hydra_noid: "bw6634380v", date_ingested: 2018-05-16 07:00:34 UTC, title: "“Ruthless Criticism of All that Exists”: Marxism, Technology, and Library Work", fedora3_uuid: nil, depositor: "", alternative_title: nil, doi: "doi:10.7939/R3RF5KV47", embargo_end_date: nil, fedora3_handle: nil, ingest_batch: nil, northern_north_america_filename: nil, northern_north_america_item_id: nil, rights: nil, sort_year: 2017, visibility_after_embargo: nil, embargo_history: nil, is_version_of: ["Popowich, Sam. \"'Ruthless Criticism of All That Exists': Marxism, Technology, and Library Work\", in Karen P. Nicholson and Maura Seale (eds.), The Politics of Theory and the Practice of Critical Librarianship (Library Juice Press, 2018)."], member_of_paths: ["a7519817-7275-4467-9826-d9a4d34bf18c/a63014cd-c388-4703-b40b-76b63048d2ab"], subject: ["Technology", "Politics", "Labour", "Libraries"], creators: ["Sam Popowich"], unordered_creators: ["Sam Popowich"], contributors: nil, created: "2017/09/14", temporal_subjects: nil, spatial_subjects: nil, description: nil, publisher: nil, languages: [""], license: "", item_type: "", source: nil, related_link: nil, publication_status: nil>

irb(main):002:0> i.doi_state
  ItemDoiState Load (26.3ms)  SELECT  "item_doi_states".* FROM "item_doi_states" WHERE "item_doi_states"."item_id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["item_id", "048f1970-8324-41aa-a993-bace2b9257c2"], ["LIMIT", 1]]
=> #<ItemDoiState id: 44439, item_id: "048f1970-8324-41aa-a993-bace2b9257c2", aasm_state: "available", created_at: "2018-05-16 07:00:35", updated_at: "2018-05-16 07:00:35">

Looks like it was created along with the DOI in Jupiter, and the date and hydra_noid indicate this came out of Hydranorth. Seems to have been mis-minted at some point in the past?

Awaiting word from Anna on whether this should be replaced with a known-good DOI for the item, or we should have a new one minted.

mbarnett commented 4 years ago

The decision was to mint a new DOI for this item, which has now been done.