ualbertalib / jupiter

Jupiter is a University of Alberta Libraries-based initiative to create a sustainable and extensible digital asset management system. This is phase 2 (Digitization).
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Error trying to harvest ERA via OAI #3435

Open sfarnel opened 3 months ago

sfarnel commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug EBSCO (who harvests ERA for inclusion in EDS, our discovery service) has recently (beginning mid-March) run into an issue when trying to harvest ERA. This is what they have described:

"We've recently encountered an issue with the OAI data harvests for your Institutional Repository, "ERA: University of Alberta Institutional Repository (ir00008a)". Harvest has been aborted by an error "ERROR: Could not harvest from Error while harvesting using setSpec '90b3539f-2198-4058-9786-5e3ccd9e671a:7966f60a-4353-4286-941b-dbd33cd74867'. Will not continue.

Some reasons this might be happening:

--If your server is offline for a technical issue?

--If your server is shut down on a regular schedule?

--If we should still use the following base URL for our harvest attempts

In addition, is it possible that our IP address is blocked by a firewall? In order to access and harvest your IR records via OAI-PMH, we need the following IP addresses added to your network exceptions list:"

If it's of any help, I have been able to use the basic browser approach to get records from this set without an issue; see

Not sure if this was a one-time issue or if something more substantial is happening.

pgwillia commented 3 months ago

Spoke with @nmacgreg because he was working on making firewall rules permanent. The IP from the EBSCO message is not being blocked.

ConnorSheremeta commented 2 months ago

I have a hunch that this may be caused by the seemingly irregular 3:00am redis reboots which would bring this service down, I have yet to verify this however

jefferya commented 2 months ago

To add another thought to the above thought. The below is an excerpt from the HAProxy log for IP on April 1. Notice the HTTP 500 error in the first. The second is a request with the same URI, it succeeded with an HTTP 200 but required 5191ms. Does this indicate that the OAI client sent a request, then waits 5000ms and timed out thus sending a second request which caused the HTTP 500 error? I'm assuming the log timestamps recorded at the end of the HTTP session (not the start) thus the second request in the log actually starts before the first.

Testing response time:

Why do two requests to the same URI result in different HTTP status codes (the shorter one is HTTP 500 while the longer is HTTP 200)?

Apr  1 14:00:50 telford haproxy[1188]: [01/Apr/2024:14:00:50.082] jupiter-ssl-beta~ jupiter2-backend/era-app-prd-1 99/0/1/355/+455 500 +476 - - ---- 205/67/2/2/0 0/0 "GET /oai?verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&set=2c5be215-7943-434e-b96e-4390bc16b00a:5065d96a-6fcd-4870-aa03-6b94b9464064&from=2024-02-01T21:00:23Z&until=2024-04-01T20:00:24Z HTTP/1.1"
Apr  1 14:00:55 telford haproxy[1188]: [01/Apr/2024:14:00:50.537] jupiter-ssl-beta~ jupiter2-backend/era-app-prd-1 5124/0/1/66/+5191 200 +1077 - - ---- 204/67/1/1/0 0/0 "GET /oai?verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&set=2c5be215-7943-434e-b96e-4390bc16b00a:5065d96a-6fcd-4870-aa03-6b94b9464064&from=2024-02-01T21:00:23Z&until=2024-04-01T20:00:24Z HTTP/1.1"
Apr  1 14:00:55 telford haproxy[1188]: [01/Apr/2024:14:00:55.729] jupiter-ssl-beta~ jupiter2-backend/era-app-prd-2 126/0/1/68/+195 200 +1077 - - ---- 204/67/1/1/0 0/0 "GET /oai?verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&set=81420852-41c5-4624-8b60-4188d702ded6:099e7f31-a5c1-4005-bfa7-b6c7dd6349b7&from=2024-02-01T21:00:23Z&until=2024-04-01T20:00:24Z HTTP/1.1"
Apr  1 14:00:56 telford haproxy[1188]: [01/Apr/2024:14:00:55.924] jupiter-ssl-beta~ jupiter2-backend/era-app-prd-1 93/0/0/66/+159 200 +1077 - - ---- 204/67/1/1/0 0/0 "GET /oai?verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&set=2c5be215-7943-434e-b96e-4390bc16b00a:28738add-6881-447b-a655-ca9331e3cadc&from=2024-02-01T21:00:23Z&until=2024-04-01T20:00:24Z HTTP/1.1"

Description of the the HAProxy HTTP log format:

nmacgreg commented 2 months ago

RE: Connor's speculation about this being related to the reboot of Redis:

I have 2 questions:

nmacgreg commented 2 months ago

Jeff was provocative on Slack & brought this to my attention.

! Note that to perform this testing, you must mangle your /etc/hosts to make "point to" the host address for either era-app-prd-1 or era-app-prd-2, and it's frightfully important that you undo this mangle after testing! !

Use this command for testing: curl ""

The HTTPD logs on the Prod server era-app-prd-2 do record the 500 response, but don't give any useful details.

OTOH, the production.log is pretty chatty about the 500 response, and hands off to rollbar. Maybe this will give you a place to start? Can you recreate this in Dev, for instance? Or, has anybody tried, in Staging? Is it just this one URL, or are other URL's failing? What is source of the data used to inform the response to this query -- redis, postgresql, or an maybe an external web resource -- and can you test that backend to find the source of the flakiness?

I was unable to immediately find a explanation for this query working 100% of the time on one Prod server, but intermittently failing on another. Our business processes are really carefully designed to prevent differences between servers. I'm open to the idea of either building a new Prod VM, or performing the kind of rebuild operation we'd use to recover from a bad update (eg delete the jupiter package; clean primary directories; use the playbook to reinstall) on era-app-prd-2. Find me on Slack if you want to pursue this; I'm stepping away.

jefferya commented 2 months ago

A test from yesturday:

I try an OAI request on each of the 3 prod Jupiter servers. The request works on only 2 of 3 with the third returning a 500 error.

curl ""

I'm changing my /etc/hosts file to isolate each prod server prod-1: works prod-2: fails prod-3: works

The following also succeeds on 2 of 3 prod servers.

Fast forward to today, I tried reproducing yesterday's test and received different results (all 3 prod servers worked for both test URIs). What can change day-to-day and server to server?


Fyi, I think curl --resolve might be able to replace the need to change /etc/host:

curl --resolve "${IP}" ""

Update 11:55 (two hours later:
* below fails on prod-1 & prod-2; succeeds on prod-3

curl --resolve "${IP}" ""

curl --resolve "${IP}" ""

ConnorSheremeta commented 2 months ago

I had a chance to do some digging into this as I am fairly familiar with Oaisys, Redis is leveraged in Oaisys as a key value store to handle resumption tokens (defined OAI-PMH parameter). I believe Redis is on one server: with the discovery of the server discrepancy the redis reboots were likely a red herring.

I spend some time in the Jupiter/Oaisys/ActsAsRdfable code-bases and have narrowed some things down. I believe this is the piece of code throwing the error ( format is given by Oaisys through the metadataPrefix url param ( --> which appears to be present in these requests. I wonder if it is related to this change (

I did notice that the first occurrence we have of this error in rollbar was Feb 9th, 2024 ( which more or less lines up with the release containing the change linked above (jupiter version 2.7.0 released Jan 20, 2024.) which adds to my suspicion, that release also had a major Rails upgrade however. One thing that is likely unrelated but came to mind is an old ticket in shortcut (previously clubhouse which was used for project management at the time) which I have included a screenshot of below:


Stepping away from this rabbit hole for now

jefferya commented 2 months ago

I suspect Connor's message is on the right track. I've been unable to find another explanation nor reproduce reliably.

Expanding a bit on what I think Connor is saying:

raise InvalidArgumentError unless self.class.supported_metadata_serialization_formats.include?(format)


jefferya commented 2 months ago

I've updated the previous comments with my existing thoughts. My Library sprint ends this week so I'm returning the issue to the queue in the event another person has cycles to move this forward.