ualex73 / monitor_docker

Monitor Docker containers from Home Assistant
Apache License 2.0
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Think I miss something #3

Closed MYLE-01 closed 4 years ago

MYLE-01 commented 4 years ago

in my logs i have

2020-06-16 11:21:59 ERROR (Thread-8) [custom_components.monitor_docker.helpers] Can not connect to Docker API (Missing valid docker_host.Either DOCKER_HOST or local sockets are not available.)
ualex73 commented 4 years ago

Can you share your configuration.yaml?

ualex73 commented 4 years ago

To test the URL, can you add to your section: url: unix:///var/run/docker.sock

Note1: the 3 "/" please. Note2: you have mounted the /var/run/docker.sock into your container?

to4ko commented 4 years ago

url: unix:///var/run/docker.sock

how this can be done in case of supervised installation on generic linux?

ualex73 commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I have no knowledge how the supervised installation works with Docker.

to4ko commented 4 years ago


ualex73 commented 4 years ago

@MYLE-01 Is it still a problem? Otherwise lets close this issue ticket.