ualex73 / monitor_docker

Monitor Docker containers from Home Assistant
Apache License 2.0
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FR: Every sensor as attribute on every entity (for a single container instance) #32

Closed slimcdk closed 2 years ago

slimcdk commented 3 years ago

Make all data for a container accessible as attributes for every sensor. E.g every sensor as attributes on the switch.

This will make it significant easier to use auto generated entities such as auto-entities.

As of now it can't be done as e.g. auto-entities does not allow to substitute domains for entities and therefore you can't filter for switch. and reference belonging sensors.

mario-tux commented 3 years ago

Yes, please. Add the attributes also to the switch entities: I want to use with auto-entities the switches of monitor_docker in order to access the toggle functionality.

magnusoverli commented 2 years ago

I've solved this by creating template sensors in HA that takes the sensor.docker_*_state as state and everything else I want/need as attributes.... It is a bit of effort, but it works very well!

Here is my config:

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: AdGuard
        value_template: "{{states('sensor.docker_adguard_state') | float | round(1)}}"
          status: "{{states('sensor.docker_adguard_status')}}"
          memory: "{{states('sensor.docker_adguard_memory') | float | round(1)}}"
          memory_percent: "{{states('sensor.docker_adguard_memory_percent') | float | round(1)}}"
          cpu: "{{states('sensor.docker_adguard_cpu') | float | round(2)}}"
          network_speed_up: "{{states('sensor.docker_adguard_network_speed_up') | float | round(1)}}"
          network_speed_down: "{{states('sensor.docker_adguard_network_speed_down') | float | round(1)}}"
          network_total_up: "{{states('sensor.docker_adguard_network_total_up') | float | round(1)}}"
          network_total_down: "{{states('sensor.docker_adguard_network_total_down') | float | round(1)}}"
          uptime: >-
            {% set up_time = (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.sensor.docker_adguard_up_time.state)) %}
            {% set days = (up_time // (60 * 60 * 24)) | int %}
            {% set weeks = (days // 7) | int %}
            {% set hours = (up_time // (60 * 60)) | int %}
            {% set hours =  hours - days * 24 %}
            {% set minutes = (up_time // 60) | int %}
            {% set minutes = minutes - (days * 24 * 60) - (hours * 60) %}
            {% set days = (days | int) - (weeks * 7) %}

            {% macro phrase(value, name) %}
                      {%- set value = value | int %}
                      {%- set end = 's' if value > 1 else '' %}
                      {{- '{} {}{}'.format(value, name, end) if value | int > 0 else '' }}
            {%- endmacro %}

            {% set text = [ phrase(weeks, 'Week'), phrase(days, 'Day'), phrase(hours, 'Hour'), 
                            phrase(minutes, 'Min') ] | select('!=','') | list | join(', ') %}
            {% set last_comma = text.rfind(',') %}
            {% set text = text[:last_comma] + ',' + text[last_comma +1:] %}
            {{ text }}
ualex73 commented 2 years ago

You can define the sensors inside 1 sensor, yes it is not in the switch, I know that. The problem is to include it in the switch, means we need to add of code again. So I will close this ticket.