One can check out the main script "run_xstilt_tccon.r" --
[x] enable slant column release (calculating the deviations in receptor lat/lon based on solar zenith angles, SZA and solar azimuth angles, SAA), denoted by @param run_slant
[ ] add functions to read TCCON public files for extracting species-specific averaging kernels (AKs), prior profiles (in WET mole fractions), and integration operators (similar to pressure weighting, but to convert WET MF to dry-air columns).
Since TCCON AK is evaluated around the WET mole fraction, let's "wet" STILT footprint first and multiply by the AK and integration operator to convert to dry air column averages (scripts DONE but require a few more tests from users)
[x] enable more than one species when working with TCCON observations (will reuse the trajec but perform footprint weighting based on species-specific weighting profiles).
One can check out the main script "run_xstilt_tccon.r" --
[x] enable slant column release (calculating the deviations in receptor lat/lon based on solar zenith angles, SZA and solar azimuth angles, SAA), denoted by @param run_slant
[ ] add functions to read TCCON public files for extracting species-specific averaging kernels (AKs), prior profiles (in WET mole fractions), and integration operators (similar to pressure weighting, but to convert WET MF to dry-air columns). Since TCCON AK is evaluated around the WET mole fraction, let's "wet" STILT footprint first and multiply by the AK and integration operator to convert to dry air column averages (scripts DONE but require a few more tests from users)
[x] enable more than one species when working with TCCON observations (will reuse the trajec but perform footprint weighting based on species-specific weighting profiles).