uav4geo / GCPEditorPro

Amazingly fast and simple ground control points interface. ◎
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Feature request - custom WMS base map + side by side views of map/photos. #25

Open Studbaker opened 1 year ago

Studbaker commented 1 year ago

Under custom basemap is it possible to set your wms basemap of you own choosing? In Norway I use WMS since it is more detailed. If not possible, would not this be a great new feature ?

Also - when you today go back to map view after saving your photo points the map defaults back to default zoom and map.

It would also be nice to have a split view of the map and the photos. Could the photos be opened up in a new window. That way we could move the windows side by side og even on different monitors ?

It is a great software - keep up the good work.