uav4geo / GCPEditorPro

Amazingly fast and simple ground control points interface. ◎
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Improve GCP tagging #4

Open pierotofy opened 4 years ago

pierotofy commented 4 years ago

It would greatly speed up the process of tagging the GCP points if you could quickly zoom in, without requiring a Shift+Scroll.

Possibly when double-clicking, it could zoom in at that point, then you could refine the crosshair with a single click.

Saijin-Naib commented 2 years ago

I was just going to say that an alternative mouse click (right click?) to toggle max zoom centered around a marker's location would be great for editing/refining a GCP file.

Saijin-Naib commented 2 years ago

Following on from this, I'm curious what you think about having "helper" lines at 45deg increments that go from the edge of the current GCP marker circle out infinitely.

When fully zoomed in on a marker location, I think these could help the user properly center the marker more accurately by having the oversized guides.


Proposed (Blend mode might be nice):