I plugged it in but it doesn't seem to work. I don't see it listed with ifconfig command or listed anywhere under /dev/tty*
I can see it's connected to usb with lsusb
Any ideas how I can make this modem work? Are there any additional drivers I could try to install?
you might get it to work, but will probably need to compile kernel drivers for it. there will also be changes required to the uavpal scripts to make it work.
Hi! Does anyone use ZTE MF79U modem? I found that this user uses ZTE modem and it works, so I'm wondering if this one might be set up https://github.com/uavpal/disco4g/issues/9#issuecomment-388628140
I plugged it in but it doesn't seem to work. I don't see it listed with ifconfig command or listed anywhere under /dev/tty* I can see it's connected to usb with lsusb Any ideas how I can make this modem work? Are there any additional drivers I could try to install? Thanks