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Text rendering problems #1152

Open s-h-a-d-o-w opened 1 month ago

s-h-a-d-o-w commented 1 month ago

Preliminary checklist

Can the bug be reproduced with corresponding Chromium version?


Are you sure?


Cromite version


Device architecture


Platform version

Android 14

Android Device model

Galaxy Tab S9

Is the device rooted?


Changed flags

no flags changed

Is this bug happening in an incognito tab?


Is this bug caused by the adblocker?


Is this bug a crash?


Describe the bug

I think the experience of writing this issue right now illustrates it very well:


It started happening either with the most recent update or the one before. Just in case it is unclear: Some text is huge, some isn't. Zooming out makes the text that isn't huge tiny.

Steps to reproduce the bug

No specific steps, just e.g. browsing GitHub is sufficient.

Expected behavior

Text rendering should match Chrome, font sizes should not be inconsistent.


No response

uazo commented 1 month ago

did you change any text-related settings in the accessibility settings or in your android?

s-h-a-d-o-w commented 1 month ago

Not before the problem appeared.

uazo commented 1 month ago

sorry, and now? what values have you set?

s-h-a-d-o-w commented 1 month ago

I'll take some screenshots later but I'm curious - since you're assuming that something is wrong with my settings and we're going into detail, do you not see this inconsistency on your Android device?

uazo commented 1 month ago

do you not see this inconsistency on your Android device?

I do not use the tablet version, and the problem has never occurred in the phone version.

since you're assuming that something is wrong with my settings

(EDIT) maybe a fingerprinting bug that needs to be solved. as I am aware that the chromium team is making changes to the text zoom mode, I would not want them to have touched anything in my patches. so I would like to investigate. I am interested in understanding what you have modified to solve the problem.

uazo commented 1 month ago

would you tell me the status of this flag (in site settings)?


Trying with browserstack I found it active by default but in my opinion it should not be.

s-h-a-d-o-w commented 1 month ago

I do not use the tablet version, and the problem has never occurred in the phone version.

Oh, so it's happened before on tablets?

I am interested in understanding what you have modified to solve the problem.

I haven't. It's still a mess. :sweat_smile:

would you tell me the status of this flag (in site settings)?

I didn't have "request desktop view" enabled. But it doesn't matter. E.g. this issue right here renders the same in both desktop and mobile view.

s-h-a-d-o-w commented 1 month ago

When it comes to UI and accessibility settings, these are my settings. As far as I've noticed, "tablet mode" only impacts the home page. Accessibility service doesn't seem to have an impact.
