ubam / infrastructure

Stringing together our community and streamlining communication
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recreate/refine our structure on GitHub #7

Open PeterNerlich opened 6 years ago

PeterNerlich commented 6 years ago

The current arrangement of repositories of this organization is partly only first test intentionally to somehow get started and partly simply shortsighted and unfitting for our purposes. When wanting to document a new topic one more often than not finds himself pondering over whether to put it e.g. in infrastructure or community. It is clear that the repositories are in need of concrete descriptions of their purpose and form a structure designed to fit our needs in a clean way, ideally without any overlap leaving a decision.

In the following one attempt on creating such an organizational structure. Please tag with thumbs up or thumbs down to approve/disapprove or write tips and proposals below. This should not be a discussion, for that, please use the UBAM Telegram group.

UBAM GitHub organizations' repositories for community steering


ubfr docs




PeterNerlich commented 6 years ago

I added myself as a thumbs up because, obviously, I am voting for this, and you have an easier job finding how the hell to add that emoji thing here ;) FYI: it was at the very top of my post, to the very right of PeterNerlich commented X ago

Acid-Override commented 6 years ago

I found the button..... and gave a Horray! :P lol

PeterNerlich commented 6 years ago

I consider leaving marketing, too, for collecting and maintaining marketing material

lionelb123 commented 6 years ago

I think a useful distinction can be made between an Archive, Conversations and Guides

PeterNerlich commented 6 years ago

Worked a bit on fleshing out the new repo structure. Unlisted repos are due to deletion, existing files and issues to be transferred beforehand.

Of course, some thought that went into this is not clear from this structure; the respective contexts will be explained in the eventual README.mds, but could be added here earlier on request.

|-  install/
|   |-  flowchart
|   |-  Known_Issues.md
|   |-  README.md
|   \-  [...]
|-  directory-enquiries
|-  internal/
|   |-  Quick_Links.md
|   |-  README.md
|   \-  [...]
|-  FAQ.md
|-  README.md
\-  [...]

|-  community/
|   |-  developers
|   |-  foundation
|   |-  ubam
|   |-  ubfr
|   |-  ublangs/
|   |   |-  Language_Captain_Duty_List.md
|   |   |-  Language_Group_Creation_Guidelines.md
|   |   \-  README.md
|   |-  events
|   |-  README.md
|   \-  [...]
|-  platforms/
|   |-  irc
|   |-  matrix
|   |-  telegram/
|   |   |-  language-groups/
|   |   |   |-  Responsibilities_Overview.md
|   |   |   \-  README.md
|   |   |-  logos/
|   |   |   |-  template.svg
|   |   |   |-  sg.svg
|   |   |   |-  sg.png
|   |   |   |-  ubam.svg
|   |   |   |-  ubam.png
|   |   |   |-  ubfr.svg
|   |   |   |-  ubfr.png
|   |   |   |-  README.md
|   |   |   \-  [...]
|   |   |-  Group_Creation_Guidelines.md
|   |   |-  Responsibilities_Overview.md
|   |   \-  README.md
|   |-  bridges/
|   |   |-  telegram-irc
|   |   \-  [...]
|   |-  ubports-forum
|   \-  [...]
|-  public-relations/
|   |-  announcements
|   |-  facebook
|   |-  twitter
|   |-  soundcloud
|   |-  ubports.com
|   \-  [...]
|-  workshop/
|   |-  Documentation_Concept.md
|   |-  UBFR_Assistant_Bot.md
|   \-  README.md
|-  README.md
\-  [...]

|-  nextcloud/
|   |-  Install_RPI3.md
|   |-  UT_App.md
|   \-  README.md
|-  linuxbrew
|-  transcripts/
|   \-  community-updates/
|       |-  2018-01-20_CU_21.md
|       |-  2018-01-06_CU_20.md
|       \-  [...]
|-  README.md
\-  [...]

|-  directory/
|   |-  structure/
|   |   |-  random-file.png
|   |   \-  Random_Document.md
|   \-  README.md
|-  Concept.md
|-  Guidelines.md
|-  Vote_Issue.md
|-  README.md
\-  [...]

Directory structure conventions:

lionelb123 commented 6 years ago

Wow! Do we need a heading for Github activity itself? Will documents sort by relevance, date, other?

PeterNerlich commented 6 years ago

I thought of platforms in terms of community-platforms, as in "where the community meets and talks — so either rename it or state this as the context in its README, or re-think the context, as GitHub is more development/collaborative work than the community forming around it.

GitHub sorts files always by their names.

PeterNerlich commented 6 years ago

updated comment above, rethought .md filename convention for URL readability

PeterNerlich commented 6 years ago

Handling existing files: Files described with update need to be brough up to date with recent development and/or adjusted to conform to changed or unfulfilled conventions. Files described with elaborate touch on the topic but need to be completed or be adjusted to be more user friendly. [TODO] notes inside the document have the same function but do not require it to be marked with elaborate, while elaborate never means only the [TODO] sections.

Handling existing issues:

PeterNerlich commented 6 years ago

All issues have been moved.

PeterNerlich commented 6 years ago

deleted repositories translation, foundation, planning, marketing

PeterNerlich commented 6 years ago

With this, transforming our GitHub architecture is almost completed. All documents may contain absolute URL references to now moved and renamed documents and need to be updated. This is a good time to switch to only using relative links.

PeterNerlich commented 6 years ago

also archived nextcloud. See ubam/community/nextcloud/

PeterNerlich commented 6 years ago

All documents may contain absolute URL references to now moved and renamed documents and need to be updated. This is a good time to switch to only using relative links.

Reminder. Please report here which docs are clear/have been changed so we don't have any dead links.