Running pylidar_index on a TLS file seems to double the number of points in the resulting file. The number is almost exactly double (e.g. from 28363782 to 56726164), when reported by pylidar_info (NUMBER_OF_POINTS field). Seems weird.
When run on a tile of airborne lidar, the number of points changes a little, e.g. from 665022 to 690044, which is nothing like as much increase, but still weird.
Original report by Neil Flood (Bitbucket: neilflood, GitHub: neilflood).
Running pylidar_index on a TLS file seems to double the number of points in the resulting file. The number is almost exactly double (e.g. from 28363782 to 56726164), when reported by pylidar_info (NUMBER_OF_POINTS field). Seems weird.
When run on a tile of airborne lidar, the number of points changes a little, e.g. from 665022 to 690044, which is nothing like as much increase, but still weird.