ubarsc / python-fmask

A set of command line utilities and Python modules that implement the ‘fmask’ algorithm
GNU General Public License v3.0
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TypeError: long() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType' #9

Closed gillins closed 7 years ago

gillins commented 7 years ago

Original report by oaznay (Bitbucket: oaznay, GitHub: oaznay).


I have an issue using python FMASK (0.4-3) with S2-L1C products. I use GDAL-2.1.3 and rios-1.4.3; I tried with several images and I still get the same error.

Can you help me please?

Thank you by advance.



gillins commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Neil Flood (Bitbucket: neilflood, GitHub: neilflood).


The error message seems to be saying that the underlying GDAL operations to read the B12.jp2 file are failing. Could you confirm that you are able to read that file outside of Fmask? If that is OK, then could you confirm that you are able to read the vrt which combines all the bands?

Fmask is using RIOS to read these files, and RIOS is using GDAL. The problem is not really with Fmask itself, but something lower down. It could be either that the jp2 file has a problem, or that the vrt has not been created correctly, or that there is a fault with the installation of GDAL.

How did you install GDAL? Was it a pre-built package, or did you build it? And does it include the OpenJPEG2000 driver?


gillins commented 7 years ago

Original comment by oaznay (Bitbucket: oaznay, GitHub: oaznay).

Hi Neil,

First, thak you for your answer.

"Could you confirm that you are able to read that file outside of Fmask?" I am able to visualize it with ENVI.

" could you confirm that you are able to read the vrt which combines all the bands?" I did not try to read it but it looks good (see attached).

"How did you install GDAL? Was it a pre-built package, or did you build it? And does it include the OpenJPEG2000 driver? " I asked to our system ingenieer to get these informations.

Regards. VRT.png

gillins commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Neil Flood (Bitbucket: neilflood, GitHub: neilflood).

Original poster oaznay did not come back with any further information, so I am assuming that they resolved the problem on their own. Closing this issue on the assumption that nothing further is required.