ubc-cpsc455-2024S / gOOpy

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Scrum Report 3 #34

Open MattWanJH opened 2 months ago

MattWanJH commented 2 months ago

Include your INITIALS (that match your Canvas name) in your post (so we can give you a grade!) Answer 3 questions:

  1. What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)?
  2. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into?
  3. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)?


sl-81 commented 2 months ago

Shiyu Li (SL)

  1. I worked on setting up the Express endpoints that our frontend will call to make requests to the backend, I also set up some fake data (in a form similar to what we will be saving to the database) to update and return to the frontend when called. Lastly I also implemented the save functionality saving the current state of the model the user rendered and posting it to the back end
  2. Familiarizing with Express and the data it sends back to properly parse it and render it to the frontend, deciding what is the best way to communicate with the backend (eg. req.body, req.query etc).
  3. I plan to complete the login/logout functionalities by implementing OAuth, as well as coming up with a schema for the database and setting it up for Progress 4
MattWanJH commented 2 months ago

Matthew Wan - MW:

  1. This past iteration I worked on handling all the Redux logic and conditional logic for how the user and login elements will look once a user is logged in. I also setup the async thunks that will be used to communicate to the Express server and have some temporary reducers in our user slice that was used to demonstrate how our thunks will be edited (to be replaced with async thunk calls once server is setup).
  2. The major issue that I ran into this week was having the endpoints connect with the API calls, we had different naming conventions for the backend and frontend elements so standardizing them was very difficult and resulted in a lot of breaking as the naming is deeply intertwined with the frontend components.
  3. This coming iteration, I plan on working on setting up the MongoDB database to enable persistent storage for user information and user data. I also want to have the user and scene pages route to the correct endpoints based on the IDs and information gotten from the database so users can see specific scenes.
AidenKerr commented 2 months ago

Aiden Kerr - AK

This past iteration, I worked largely on updating the editor. Specifically how the state is managed, as well as some UI components that it uses. I implemented the ability to add shapes and edit the radius. I also help fix some issues w/ the thunks and redux reducers for login abilities.

Challenges: React state was frustrating. I abandoned my fancy data structures plans since react wants you to be pure functional. I was humbled.

This coming iteration, I plan to add the ability to render the scene to a png, add more shape primitives, add more control options, and maybe camera controls.

jlacsamana commented 2 months ago

Jacob Lacsamana- JL

  1. What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? I worked on appending to the editor interface by creating new tools for interacting with and modifying the shapes in the scene, and integrating them with our internal state management system and react's.
  2. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? Working out the unexpected issues created by the addition of interface control tools that allow user to delete a shape (and all of the shapes) in a scene. It was also a challenge thinking of how to approach the implementation of specific shape control tools because of the way our renderer works,
  3. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? Adding more editor control tools to expand interactivity and customizability of the scene and its shapes. Additionally, will help with Oauth and backend related tasks when finished with my primary one.