ubc-cpsc455-2024S / gOOpy

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Scrum Report #4 #64

Open MattWanJH opened 2 months ago

MattWanJH commented 2 months ago

Include your INITIALS (that match your Canvas name) in your post (so we can give you a grade!) Answer 3 questions:

  1. What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)?
  2. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into?
  3. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)?


MattWanJH commented 2 months ago

Matthew Wan - MW:

  1. This past iteration what I mostly worked on was developing endpoints and connecting frontend components to them, so for example users and user info is now able to be retrieved from the DB and you're also able to create and add new users to the DB. I also worked on how routing and information will be passed to access specific scenes in addition to refactoring code to match a consistent naming scheme.
  2. A major issue that we ran into was the way our git branches were being handled. We had a hard time keeping an up to date main file, and one mistake that I made was to make branches of branches that haven't been merged to main yet and those branches contained overlapping changes which made it hard to manage.
  3. For the next iteration, I want to work on getting user authentication done and having the database endpoints all fleshed out and able to fetch the information securely. This way users are able to manage and access the scenes that they're looking for and login, the managing the user's redux store, and having the scene information be able to link to a user.
AidenKerr commented 2 months ago

Aiden Kerr AK

What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)?

What were any major issues/challenges you ran into?

What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)?

sl-81 commented 2 months ago

Shiyu Li - SL

  1. I setup the schema for the user and scenes database and refined it to include other fields we had to keep track of for the scenes (eg type of shape etc). I also worked on saving the scene information to the mongoDB database
  2. As both Matt and I were working on the backend, we found resolving merge conflicts and learning new git actions to be a bit of a challenge. Also, since the schema and our scenes continues to involve to require more data, I find it challenging to update that info both frontend and backend to enable saving of scenes
  3. I plan to work on OAuth2 implementation and finally allow user login authentication, I plan to also incorporate express session to allow the user's work to be retrievable upon refresh
jlacsamana commented 2 months ago

Jacob Lacsamana - JL

  1. I refactored the editor GUI to be more modular and responsive by making changes to the arrangement of the HTML code and CSS styling. I also fixed a lot of existing visual errors that have been encountered with the editor. Additionally, I extended it's functionality by implementing scene lighting controls and a gui panel for defining information about the scene and copy permissions.
  2. It was difficult fixing the visual bugs, and required a lot of exploration with different methods involving moving around elements of the webpage and trying out a lot of CSS styling tricks.
  3. I will continue implementing features in the editor GUI and integrating them with the backend as that gets more developed as per the goals we've defined. Additionally, I will work on fixing remaining errors in the editor that we've encountered and documented.