ubc-cpsc455-2024S / project-05_bus

project-05_bus created by GitHub Classroom
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Scrum Report 3 #13

Open jocelynbachmann opened 2 months ago

jocelynbachmann commented 2 months ago

Include your INITIALS (that match your Canvas name) in your post (so we can give you a grade!)

Answer 3 questions:

What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)?
What were any major issues/challenges you ran into?
What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)?
jocelynbachmann commented 2 months ago

Name: Jocelyn Bachmann (JB)

  1. I added in all the UI and redux logic for creating / joining groups and connected it to the signup, calendar, groceries, and home pages.
  2. Didn't really run into any issues, it was just a large task and ended up being probably a little bit too big of a PR.
  3. I'll be working on moving all the groups logic over to the backend (e.g. setting up the groups cluster and endpoints), and probably adding functionality for editing/leaving a group.
hdzhong commented 2 months ago

Name: Douglas Zhong (DZ)

  1. Created the main Grocery table and drawer for the grocery page and all the associated Redux actions for the CRUD functionality. Also some small fixes for other components here and there.
  2. No major issues, just reading a lot of documentation to learn new libraries
  3. Move all the CRUD logic for the Grocery and Calendar stuff to the backend and integrate with MongoDB. Also start working on the receipt OCR to allow users to scan receipts to quickly add groceries.
jwong105 commented 2 months ago

Name: Jennifer Wong (JW)

  1. I designed the landing page and created the side component on the groceries page to add grocery items and generate a meal, using redux to toggle between adding and removing each item.
  2. Ran into some issues with spacing on the grocery page and trying to make the grocery list and meal component not look squished side by side.
  3. I will be working on setting up and connecting MongoDB, as well as creating the API call to generate a meal. I will also be working on creating a recipe drawer component on the frontend where users can save each generated meal they like, as well as include adding the quantity of the food items into the meal planner.
ameschen commented 2 months ago

Name: Amy Chen (AC)

  1. I worked on linking the signup and login forms to redux and started on the validation for users
  2. I realized that without persistence, it would be hard to properly test the login validation, so I decided to save it for the next milestone.
  3. I will be setting up OAuth and continuing adding validation for signing up/logging in.