ubc-cpsc455-2024S / project-11_movie_mavericks

Discover your next favorite movie with our personalized recommendation website!
MIT License
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Scrum Report 4 (Due Sunday July 14 at 10 pm) #14

Open AdwaitKulkarni58 opened 2 months ago

AdwaitKulkarni58 commented 2 months ago
  1. What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)?
  2. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into?
  3. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)?
AdwaitKulkarni58 commented 2 months ago

Adwait Kulkarni (AK)

1) I added the watchlist button to each recommendation card. I created the functionality to add each individual movie to an existing watchlist in the database. I also edited the user info page functionality to display all the movies in a watchlist for a user and the ability to delete individual movies and entire watchlists. Lastly, I added the social media movie-sharing functionality as well. 2) A challenge I ran into was figuring out how to deal with the object ID of each card on the recommendation page. I couldn't get the addition function working at first as the id was always set to null but some console debugging helped solve the problem. 3) I am going to help my teammates polish up the remaining functionality and solve small issues like hiding sensitive credentials as well as prepare the project for the final demonstration.

subhrodeepg commented 2 months ago

Subhrodeep Ghose (SG)

  1. I added a feature for the user to create new watchlists. When the user goes to add a movie to a watchlist, there will be an option to create a new watchlist, which will be saved to databasein including any associated movies added to the watchlist.
  2. A challenge I faced this week was determining where to make the code changes. I previously have not worked on the frontend components, so I had to determine where the changes had to take place.
  3. Help my group members update the README
itsdomlo commented 2 months ago

Dominic Lo (DL)

  1. Added trailer to popup, revised UI for form inputs and recommendation
  2. Unable to apply desired styling to MUI component, had to make from scratch
  3. Update UI, fix outstanding bugs, look into any potential stretch functionalities
pat-ok commented 2 months ago

Patrick Liang (PL)

  1. Revised UI for form inputs and login inputs
  2. Had difficulties working with MUI components as they are hard to modify
  3. Continue updating UI and fix outstanding bugs with current functionalities