ubc-cpsc455-2024S / project-11_movie_mavericks

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Scrum Report 5 (Due July 28 at 10 pm) #27

Open AdwaitKulkarni58 opened 4 months ago

AdwaitKulkarni58 commented 4 months ago
  1. What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)?
  2. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into?
  3. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)?
AdwaitKulkarni58 commented 4 months ago

Adwait Kulkarni (AK):

1) I was responsible for cleaning up the code and removing all the debugging checks and console log statements as well as prettifying the code. I also replaced the client-facing sensitive credentials with environment variables to protect secrets. Lastly, I wrote the README for the project. 2) There were no major issues I ran into except for figuring out how to articulate the sentences in the README properly and as per industry standards. 3) I plan to participate in the dry run demo of the final project presentation with my teammates and help in the final polishing of the code.

itsdomlo commented 4 months ago

Dominic Lo (DL):

  1. Integration with Streaming Availability API, revised UI
  2. UI, again
  3. Fix any outstanding bugs and features, prepare demo
subhrodeepg commented 4 months ago

Subhrodeep Ghose (SG):

  1. Deployed the project on render and built the workflow.
  2. Learning about Github Actions.
  3. Backend bug fixes.
pat-ok commented 4 months ago

Patrick Liang (PL):

  1. UI changes in the account sections
  2. Limitations and restrictions with MUI components
  3. Fix outstanding bugs and prepare for demo