ubc-cpsc455-2024S / project-11_movie_mavericks

Discover your next favorite movie with our personalized recommendation website!
MIT License
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Scrum Report 2 (Due Sunday June 9 at 10pm) #6

Open AdwaitKulkarni58 opened 3 months ago

AdwaitKulkarni58 commented 3 months ago
  1. What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)?
  2. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into?
  3. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)?
AdwaitKulkarni58 commented 3 months ago

Adwait Kulkarni (AK)

1) I set up the initial project with React, integrated Material UI as the component library, and set up the navbar and most of the other components. I also created the initial form, created the About page, the Feeling Lucky page, and the rudimentary login form. 2) The initial learning curve with Material UI was a minor challenge whereas using React's useForm hook was the major challenge as I had to spend some time getting familiar with it and figuring out how it worked. 3) I plan to assist one of my team members with designing the functionality of one component and help with setting up the back-end API routes.

itsdomlo commented 3 months ago

Dominic Lo (DL)

  1. Process form data, calls API with said data, add results to redux state and render cards
  2. Took sometime to figure out what data is needed for the API
  3. Together with the team, expand the project from focusing on movie recommendation to a more general movie database platform where users can rate and review movies, and save movies etc.
pat-ok commented 3 months ago

Patrick Liang (PL)

  1. I changed and created the date range specification on the form and added default options for it. I also added submission logic to format the date inputs into proper date formats for the API.
  2. Backend currently has a lack of functionality and requires some brainstorming about how to refocus and move forward with project such that there is sufficient functionality without solely the use of APIs.
  3. As a team, we plan to move the project focus from recommendations to a more generalizable movie platform where users can create accounts to save watchlists, favourites, ratings, and reviews on. As such we will set out any new or added functionalities to proceed with.
subhrodeepg commented 3 months ago

Subhrodeep Ghose (SG)

  1. I changed the 'Adults Movie' option to a checkbox and added an 'All' option to the genre and country options.
  2. Backend needs more features, and requires a semi-overhaul. We are moving away from movie recommendations to creating watchlists and rating movies web application.
  3. I plan to think of ways to add more functionality to the backend and implement some routes for the UI.