ubc-cpsc455-2024S / project-14_resting_shark

project-14_resting_shark created by GitHub Classroom
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Scrum Report 3 #48

Open emmah47 opened 2 months ago

emmah47 commented 2 months ago
  1. What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)?
  2. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into?
  3. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)?
Awakuruf commented 2 months ago

Daichi Furukawa

  1. Worked on implementing the streaks and lives logic for each question typed. Also migrated / refactored the correctness logic (modal pop up, submission handling and correctness features) into the Lessons component from the MultipleChoices component.
  2. Major challenges I ran into was figuring out how to transfer the correctness logic between multiple components (i.e. MC, D&D, Matching) and centralizing the control in a single component (Lessons component)
  3. Cleaning up the front end display and lesson functionality as well as working on the database implementation.
emmah47 commented 2 months ago

Emma Huang

  1. Added Redux to the application. Implemented GET requests in frontend. Designed the database with Maggie and wrote corresponding classes in the backend.
  2. Biggest challenge was to come up with a good design for the database that is simple but also able to handle all the operations that we would want to do in our application.
  3. Implement authentication and user registration + login. Research and start implementing features that require ChatGPT API. Implement backend counterpart for all currently existing frontend functionality. Make frontend components if the team needs me to do any.
meiy112 commented 2 months ago

Maggie Weng

  1. I made the drag and drop question functional, worked on the database design with Emma, and started designing the dashboard.
  2. The biggest challenge I ran into was trying to figure out the lesson flow using state design, as well as trying to implement the connect the dots feature for the matching question.
  3. I plan on making the entire lesson functional, implementing the end and game over page, and finishing the dashboard.
atkv2 commented 2 months ago


  1. Pair programmed with DF and EH, experimented with test server and database connection and added redux to project with EH. Continued to play around with responsiveness feature.
  2. The biggest challenge is finding opportunities where I can contribute to the project (with my more limited skill set) without affecting other group members work/flow.
  3. I plan to help with code some of the components of the dashboard as well as helping with the database setup and backend implementation