ubc-cpsc455-2024S / project-16_dev_dynasty

project-16_dev_dynasty created by GitHub Classroom
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Scrum Report 1 #1

Open AndyHuWHO opened 3 months ago

AndyHuWHO commented 3 months ago
  1. In the past 2 weeks, I have worked on studying html, css, and javascript for web development. Form a team with my teammates and discussed ideas for our project. We have come to a decision for our final project idea and had meetings within the group and with the CEO of the company which we build our project for. We developed requirements and scratches for our project.
  2. For the coming 2 weeks, I will be working with my teammates to further finalize the requirements and design of our project and assigning specific tasks to group members to get our project started.
  3. Some of the things that could be improved in the past two weeks include the need for deeper and clearer communication for project requirement and design details, because after reviewing our requirements today, I feel like there's some unclear details.
jburden1 commented 3 months ago

Justin Burden

Work Completed In Past Iteration:

Major Issues/Challenges Faced In the Past Iteration:

The most challenging issue faced during the past iteration was selecting a project idea. All group members proposed interesting and viable ideas, however, we decided that taking on a project aimed at addressing the needs of a real client was the most appealing.

Work Planned for Next Iteration:

rdick commented 3 months ago

Work Completed In Past Iteration:

Major Issues/Challenges Faced In the Past Iteration:

Work Planned for Next Iteration:

andrewlly commented 3 months ago

Work Completed In Past Iteration:

Over the past two weeks, I studied HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for web development and collaborated with my teammates to discuss ideas for our project. We decided on our final project idea: BayBuild, an application that addresses a real challenge, which we all find exciting to build. We held meetings within the group and with the CEO of ModSolid to develop requirements and initial sketches for our project. Additionally, I built a basic website, including a login page, main page, and house detail page using HTML and CSS to demonstrate our ideas during the CEO meeting.

Major Issues/Challenges Faced In the Past Iteration:

We needed to come up with a concrete design and focus for this project and limit its scope. During the CEO meeting, we discussed various aspects we could work on, such as customer service/warranty or streamlining document signing and recording. However, including all these features from the beginning would be very challenging. We ultimately decided to focus on workflow tracking as the most important feature.

Work Planned for Next Iteration:

In the next two weeks, we will design databases schema, modify the project design to ensure it aligns with the client's expectations, and build the frontend required for Progress Report 2 based on the assignment2.

kaiqianyyang commented 2 months ago

@andrewlly @rdick Please include your full name in your scrum report