ubc-cpsc455-2024S / project-18_fps_addicts

project-18_fps_addicts created by GitHub Classroom
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Scrum Report 6 #39

Open akong8 opened 1 month ago

akong8 commented 1 month ago
  1. What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)?
  2. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into?
  3. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (ASSUMING THE PROJECT WAS CONTINUING)?
akong8 commented 1 month ago


  1. Cleaned up the code and added documentation; Made minor styling changes to enhance mobile experience; Updated the README to include all information on the project.
  2. Trying to implement one more feature but having to scrap it due to time constraints
  3. I would implement the ability for users to favourite study spots and perhaps have them saved on their profile; I would also implement the ability for users to give reviews on the study spots.
Gurman-Bal commented 1 month ago


  1. Added documentation to my code. Made the UI more robust on mobile. Fixed any lingering bugs and finalized a bunch of styling.
  2. Trying to make it so that all the compontents, particualary; the navbar, details panel, chatbox, and minimized detail panel text looked well on mobile.
  3. I would include the option to have ones profile name on each of the messages they send. I would allow the abilty to reply to messages directly in the chatbox. I would also enchance secuirty by making users do a 1 time recaptcha
linuschen28 commented 1 month ago


  1. I worked to try to incorporate favouriting spots but did not have the time to add it to deployment.
  2. I ran into time constraint issues (i.e not having enough time to finish the extra favouriting feature.
  3. I would include more profile options such as displaying courses a student is currently taking. I would also try to incorporate the room booking system that scrapes information directly from the sites.
latsyrc5 commented 1 month ago


  1. Finished implementing the Distance Measurement Feature
  2. I ran into issues on getting my code to register when two points were being selected.
  3. I would look into calculating actual walking routes instead of straight-line distance.
dylanz13 commented 1 month ago


  1. Implemented user login persistence and finishing submission touches in the backend.
  2. Conflicting full-stack routes didn't allow for user place favoriting to be implemented very easily, and the idea was scrapped with the looming deadline.
  3. Work on taking advantage of the redux frontend and two web servers running on boot up by implementing more routes and data in the redux store.