ubc-cpsc455-2024S / project-22_intellig-s

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Scrum Report #5 #64

Open chris-46 opened 1 month ago

chris-46 commented 1 month ago

What did you work on this past iteration (3 weeks)? I worked on creating the preferences survey on successful sign up. This involved building on existing redux slices and adding an additional endpoint to update user data. I also added some middleware changes just to make it more accessible and convenient to use.

What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? These past two weeks our team really stepped it up. We put out more work than before, and we took the initiative to complete tasks outside the scope of our assigned tasks to achieve great results. Overall, with the amount of requirements checked off and seeing everything start to take shape, I'd say this was our best sprint. If anything, one challenge was figuring out if there were any major things left in our docket to complete, as we had either completed requirements, or they would simply be too laborious to implement (Like monitoring web traffic and recommending itineraries).

What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? I'd like to work on using the survey data I collected to create tailor-made itineraries for users. This should be interesting, as I get to work with the AI model more than I've had a chance to throughout the term! I think another one of us is picking up the task to display current preferences, but if not then I'll pick that one up too.


matts421 commented 1 month ago

What did you work on this past iteration (3 weeks)? I worked on finalizing the authentication workflow for our application. This involved setting up JWT and allowing users to persist login state upon page refresh. Various Redux and model changes were necessary to accomplish this task.

What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? There were some challenges involved with implementing the authentication process, but nothing too major. Our team worked well and really began to complete most of our main requirements.

What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? I plan on linking itineraries with each user as my main goal. This will ensure that only a user's own itineraries are shown. Other than that, I want to help clean up the code base and make polishing UI changes.


nand2246 commented 1 month ago
  1. What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)?

I worked on several items including:

  1. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into?

These past couple weeks went very smoothly for our team, as we coordinated what we needed to do early on, and completed the required tasks.

  1. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (1.5 weeks)?

I plan on setting up a profile page where users can view and edit their profile, allowing their itineraries to be tailored to their needs.


jiayinkralik commented 1 month ago

What did you work on this past iteration (3 weeks)? I worked on the home page, so that it now shows itineraries. I also helped start making our itineraries user specific, which Matthew will pick up and finish.

What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? I had some trouble with making the itineraries user specific because initially we kept a list of itineraries for each user and so we would add the itinerary to each user’s list when they were created. However, we later decided that it would be better if each itinerary had a user id attached to it, which would make our browsing page easier to implement.

What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? I plan to fix the browsing page so that it shows a given set of itineraries for all users, and also remove the delete button :)