ubc-cpsc455-2024S / project-29_abd

project-29_abd created by GitHub Classroom
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Scrum Report 3 #10

Open danielshmidov opened 2 months ago

danielshmidov commented 2 months ago


Completed Tasks

Integrated Redux into the app. Defined the main data types for storage in Redux (e.g., list of recipes). Established reducers with default data. Connected default data to components for display. Developed three actions to manage the Redux store (e.g., add, delete, update entries). Ensured components are rendering based on Redux store data.

Upcoming Tasks (Next 2 Weeks) Enhance user experience by refining component interactions with Redux. Implement asynchronous actions for data fetching and updating. Optimize Redux state management for better performance.

AndrewJoji commented 2 months ago

What I Worked on:

  1. Added reducers for the 3 actions add edit and deleting a day card.
  2. Added template code to add drag and drop functionality to reorder day cards.
  3. Made Modal elements for edit and delete confirmation pop ups.

What I will be working on next:

  1. Linking the map to actions made on the day card
  2. Adding actions for submitting dates
Bhag-Cheema commented 2 months ago


Working on front end completion, and storing user profile data.

working on next week, completing home page and user login