ubc-micromet / TIHMMI

An urban heat island mapping kit for mapping temperature, humidity, and radiant infrared temperature
MIT License
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steps for checking data #7

Open joeyklee opened 7 years ago

joeyklee commented 7 years ago

Checking Data

  1. turn off system
  2. remove microSD --> insert microSD into card adapter --> insert into computer
  3. Go to latest data folder: YYMMDD
  4. Open any file in excel, matlab, R, etc...
  5. column headers are as follows:

a sample looks like this:

17/08/2016,21:00:00.000,1,1,  49.26161,-123.25105,0.72228,114.00000, 8,22.85938,55.10000,23.40000,24.60999,22.75000
  1. remember to reconnect the gps antennae in the case that it came off when removing the microsd card.
joeyklee commented 7 years ago

Also if you want to check the data from the memory card:

datFile = '/Volumes/NO NAME/160818/16081864.DAT'

checkData = function(fpath){

    data = read.csv(fpath, header=F)

    colnames(data) = c('date','time','gpsFix','gpsQuality','latitude','longitude','speed','elev','gpsSat','t_therm','hum_dht22','t_dht22','iramb','irobj')

    data$time = strptime(data$time, format='%H:%M:%OS')

    # temperature of humidiyt sensor
    plot(data$time, data$t_dht22, col="blue", main="temp - dht22")

    # temperature of thermocouple
    plot(data$time, data$t_therm, col="red", main="temp - thermo" )
    # plot ir sensor
    plot(data$time, data$iramb, col="green", main="ir amb")
    plot(data$time, data$irobj, col="purple", main="ir obj ")

