Title describes the issue. The successful optimization message and the dictionary that TreeFarms prints after it completes optimization end up generating an enormous amount of output when TreeFarms is used in an intermediate step of a larger job. It would be very nice if verbose=False (or verbose=0) was indeed silent, and higher verbosity levels printed the current amount of output or more. Since the output seems to originate inside of the C++ code, I have been unable to suppress this output using contextlib and redirected stdout to devnull. Thank you!
Not directly related, but the docs also has conflicting info on the verbosity.
Configuration shows verbose: True, whereas the parameters description say "Default: false"
Title describes the issue. The successful optimization message and the dictionary that TreeFarms prints after it completes optimization end up generating an enormous amount of output when TreeFarms is used in an intermediate step of a larger job. It would be very nice if verbose=False (or verbose=0) was indeed silent, and higher verbosity levels printed the current amount of output or more. Since the output seems to originate inside of the C++ code, I have been unable to suppress this output using contextlib and redirected stdout to devnull. Thank you!