Hi all, I'm doing some changes to the class portal to help us in the next terms.
Now, a TA can submit a set of grades in a single row.
Additionally, a grade has specific fields for each grade. The new json looks like this:
"grade", which remains unchanged, is the final grade visible by the students.
The others represent the auto-test grade, the deliverable coverage, and the TA's retrospective
Hi all, I'm doing some changes to the class portal to help us in the next terms. Now, a TA can submit a set of grades in a single row. Additionally, a grade has specific fields for each grade. The new json looks like this:
{ "assnId": "d1", "autotest": "100", "coverage": "100", "retrospective": "100", "grade": "100", "comment": "Hello" }
"grade", which remains unchanged, is the final grade visible by the students. The others represent the auto-test grade, the deliverable coverage, and the TA's retrospective