ubccr / coldfront

HPC Resource Allocation System
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Bug: "post" request for links to details pages on allocation request list and allocation change request list pages #541

Open claire-peters opened 1 year ago

claire-peters commented 1 year ago

We encountered some problems with the code in the allocation_change_list and allocation_request_list templates. When trying to click the "details" button, a malformed post request would be sent due to its being contained inside of the "form" element, resulting in an "invalid request" response for the allocation_request_list links and a 403 error for allocation_change_list links.

I've corrected this in the FASRC repository by putting the "Details" button outside of the form container and then adding a row div to keep the UI the same (the commit fixing allocation_request_list has just that change, allocation_change_list also adds the display of changed attributes to the table). I'm happy to make a PR with an adjacent fix here, if desired. If a better/more elegant fix is available, I'd also be glad to know about it.

dsajdak commented 1 year ago

@claire-peters we'd very much appreciate a PR for this. Thank you!