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CCR Software Layer
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Install vcf2maf #367

Closed nsalgia closed 2 months ago

nsalgia commented 2 months ago


We are hoping to install vcf2maf as a new module in CCR for analysis of DNA mutation calls. Here is the link to the github repository containing the package information: https://github.com/mskcc/vcf2maf

Please contact nicholas.salgia@roswellpark.org with any questions or if you need any additional information.

Thank you, Nick Salgia

dsajdak commented 2 months ago

Hi @nsalgia - this isn't something that CCR needs to install as you can simply clone their Github repo and run the tool. Follow the directions under the Quick Start section. Then use perl to run the tool. I recommend loading CCR's perl module first with this command, then you can see their software just works:

$ module load gcc perl/5.34.0
$ perl vcf2maf.pl --man
    vcf2maf.pl - Convert a VCF into a MAF by mapping each variant to only
    one of all possible gene isoforms

     perl vcf2maf.pl --help

     perl vcf2maf.pl --input-vcf INPUT.vcf --output-maf OUTPUT.maf --tumor-id TUMOR_ID --normal-id NORMAL_ID

    To convert a VCF into a MAF, each variant must be mapped to only one of
    all possible gene transcripts/isoforms that it might affect. This
    selection of a single effect per variant, is often subjective. This
    project is an attempt to make the selection criteria smarter,
    reproducible, and more configurable.

    This script uses Ensembl's VEP, a variant annotator that maps effects of
    a variant on all possible genes and transcripts. For more info, see the
    README or <https://ensembl.org/info/docs/tools/vep/index.html>.

    --help  Print a basic help message

            Print more things to STDERR to log progress

            Path to input file in VCF format

If you run into any problems while trying this, please submit a support ticket to CCR Help. Thanks!