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CCR Software Layer
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Zoltan #383

Closed BKeim-UB closed 2 days ago

BKeim-UB commented 2 days ago


I'm trying to compile OpenFOAM and it requires Zoltan ( I believe version 3.901) to be installed since it's used for mesh decomposition. I respectfully request that it be installed so that i can load it as a module to complete the compilation. Thank you!

tonykew commented 2 days ago

Software here: https://github.com/sandialabs/Zoltan/releases/tag/v3.901

As per the readme: https://github.com/sandialabs/Zoltan?tab=readme-ov-file

"The most up-to-date version of Zoltan is in the Trilinos framework [...]"

We have a trilinos module that includes the Zoltan library:

login1$ module spider trilinos
  trilinos: trilinos/13.4.1
      The Trilinos Project is an effort to develop algorithms and enabling
      technologies within an object-oriented software framework for the
      solution of large-scale, complex multi-physics engineering and
      scientific problems. A unique design feature of Trilinos is its focus
      on packages.

      Tools for development

    You will need to load all module(s) on any one of the lines below before the "trilinos/13.4.1" module is available to load.

      gcc/11.2.0  openmpi/4.1.1
login1$ module load gcc/11.2.0 openmpi/4.1.1 trilinos/13.4.1
login1$ ls ${EBROOTTRILINOS}/lib/libzoltan*
login1$ ls ${EBROOTTRILINOS}/include/zoltan*
tonykew commented 2 days ago

Note that there is a version of OpenFOAM already available in the ccrsoft/2023.01 software release

login1$ module spider openfoam
  openfoam: openfoam/v2206
      OpenFOAM is a free, open source CFD software package. OpenFOAM has an
      extensive range of features to solve anything from complex fluid
      flows involving chemical reactions, turbulence and heat transfer, to
      solid dynamics and electromagnetics.

      Physics libraries/apps

    You will need to load all module(s) on any one of the lines below before the "openfoam/v2206" module is available to load.

      gcc/11.2.0  openmpi/4.1.1
login1$ module load gcc/11.2.0 openmpi/4.1.1 openfoam/v2206
login1$ ls ${EBROOTOPENFOAM}/OpenFOAM-v2206/bin
foamCheckJobs         foamJob                foamRunTutorials
foamCleanPath         foamLog                foamSearch
foamCleanPolyMesh     foamMonitor            foamSequenceVTKFiles
foamCleanTutorials    foamNew                foamSolverSweeps
foamCloneCase         foamNewApp             foamSystemCheck
foamCopySettings      foamNewBC              foamTestTutorial
foamCreateVideo       foamNewCase            mpirunDebug
foamEndJob            foamNewFunctionObject  paraFoam
foamEtcFile           foamNewSource          tools
foamGetDict           foamNewTemplate
foamInstallationTest  foamPrintJobs