Briefly describe the changes you made and why you made them in bulleted form.
added limit and offset to the search method in db/ for pagination functionality. If query isn't specified, the endpoint returns the top N most recently created clubs. N is set to 5 for testing but can be set to another value when using it on the website. The search method returns the list of clubs, the number of clubs in the list, and the total amount of pages.
added optional query, page, and size params to the SearchClubsRequest json-schema. Page defaults to 0 when it's not specified in the request. Size similarly defaults to 5.
-added resultCount, page, and totalPages objects to the SearchClubsResponse json-schema
-edited api/ to take in the additional request parameters.
:traffic_light: Concerns
This is not rebased from the master branch yet. Will work on that later.
The search method uses the to_tsquery() method to full text search. This is not the functionality we were decided to keep on the master branch, but it's working when using postman. Ran into some errors when trying it with the test_client.
The get() method in the SearchClubsEndpoint only returns the list of clubs, not the page_info. Not exactly sure how we can return both unless you use a tuple.
If there is anything you want reviewers to pay special attention to, put it here.
:tickets: Ticket(s): Closes #21
:construction_worker: Changes
Briefly describe the changes you made and why you made them in bulleted form.
:traffic_light: Concerns
If there is anything you want reviewers to pay special attention to, put it here.
:mag: Testing Instructions
Explain how to test your changes, if applicable.