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team: grant team lead maintainer permissions on github team #547

Open DConnorFong opened 4 years ago

DConnorFong commented 4 years ago


Could be a bug but I am not too sure what the intended behavior is



  1. /rocket team create $TEAM --lead $YOU --channel $CHANNEL
  2. Under $YOU I tag myself in Slack
  3. Generate the team

Expected: I would be a maintainer of the newly generated team

Actual: I am not


This seems like a good step to automate as it contributes to a pain point of organization owners having to manually set this up for me.

bobheadxi commented 4 years ago

Actual: I am not


Context on what a team maintainer is: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/setting-up-and-managing-organizations-and-teams/giving-team-maintainer-permissions-to-an-organization-member

chuck-sys commented 4 years ago

We may want to either change the GithubInterface to include a add_team_maintainer() function, or we can append another parameter to GithubInterface.add_team_member(). Both seem fine.

For the person who implements this in the near future: https://pygithub.readthedocs.io/en/latest/github_objects/Team.html?highlight=add_membership#github.Team.Team.add_membership
