Closed hooman007 closed 5 years ago
We have filled out the APP Registration form to get authentication info. (client ID and secret id)
However, it turns out that Intraday data ( the detailed data from tracker ) requires sending a request to get access as they process this kind of access case by case.
The Intraday Access request has been sent out and currently we are waiting for response.
Note: if you have error bellow on pycharm and are using anaconda 3.7 like @hooman007 and @nimakondori
Importing the multiarray numpy extension module failed. Most
likely you are trying to import a failed build of numpy.
If you're working with a numpy git repo, try `git clean -xdf` (removes all
files not under version control). Otherwise reinstall numpy.
Here is how to fix it
make a new conda environment with python version 3.5: conda create -n <envionrment name> python=3.5
install required libraries of the interface code like the tutorial
Fitbit required some information on how we use the app and data. We replied them with the information needed and are waiting for their response.
Access is given for both Fitbit accounts. Could collect data from my Fitbit. BUT still didn't have access for the fitbit with ubcmist account. Maybe because the requester wasn't in the same location as the fitbit. so @DanielZhou4970 will try some stuff to test this hypothesis.
Update: @DanielZhou4970 could pull the data from his Fitbit. So there is a requirement that the requesting computer needs to be next to the fitbit or they both ahve to be in the same network and have the same IP Origin or whatever!
Master updated with the most recent script, which can take the data of heart rate for the "yesterday" and summary of heart rate of "today".
Sleep data is still not working. is useful for future developments. so use it as a guide.
the second checkmark of the TODO list of this ticket won't be done in this scope. Another specialized ticket will be made.
make a python script that extracts data from Fitbit.
Update ML repository with the code.
Sample code:
Note: regarding the 2nd requirement, maybe the interface allows us to ask for a certain time of the data or certain data labels (like a database query). So that way we can make the interface easier to use and label the data more automatically.