uber-archive / hyperbahn

Service discovery and routing for large scale microservice operations
MIT License
396 stars 57 forks source link

Faster frame reading in ServiceProxy #218

Closed Raynos closed 8 years ago

Raynos commented 8 years ago

This PR updates tchannel and uses our cached reading.

From the benchmarks it looks like 50% faster:


jakev@hyperbahn-staging02-sjc1:~/tmp/hyperbahn/benchmarks$ make take-relay
mkdir -p results/$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
ln -nsf $(git rev-parse --short HEAD) results/$(basename $(git symbolic-ref HEAD))
ln -nsf $(basename $(git symbolic-ref HEAD)) results/HEAD
pkill -u $USER -f '^nodejs-benchmarks' || true
BENCH_CONFIG=config/relay.json,config/take.json node index.js -o results/HEAD/relay.json
running /home/jakev/tmp/tchannel-node/benchmarks/cheat-channel/bench_server[30425]
running /home/jakev/tmp/hyperbahn/benchmarks/hyperbahn-worker[30427]
running /home/jakev/tmp/tchannel-node/benchmarks/multi_bench[30437]
1:  SET str 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   91/ 264/ 175.63/ 221.00   3553ms total,  5629.05 ops/sec
1:  SET str 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   85/ 259/ 168.80/ 231.00   3398ms total,  5885.82 ops/sec
1:  SET str 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   81/ 241/ 159.57/ 214.00   3212ms total,  6226.65 ops/sec
1:  GET str 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   82/ 263/ 153.63/ 215.00   3097ms total,  6457.86 ops/sec
1:  GET str 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   77/ 248/ 155.81/ 221.00   3146ms total,  6357.28 ops/sec
1:  GET str 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   66/ 256/ 154.52/ 225.00   3123ms total,  6404.10 ops/sec
1:  SET buf 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   44/ 278/ 180.33/ 240.00   3647ms total,  5483.96 ops/sec
1:  SET buf 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   79/ 315/ 189.74/ 248.00   3866ms total,  5173.31 ops/sec
1:  SET buf 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   85/ 322/ 190.52/ 261.00   3839ms total,  5209.69 ops/sec
1:  GET buf 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   83/ 307/ 182.39/ 262.00   3674ms total,  5443.66 ops/sec
1:  GET buf 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   86/ 317/ 188.10/ 265.00   3797ms total,  5267.32 ops/sec
1:  GET buf 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   21/ 354/ 188.86/ 256.00   3853ms total,  5190.76 ops/sec
1: SET str 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   43/ 403/ 226.32/ 313.00   4683ms total,  4270.77 ops/sec
1: SET str 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   39/ 463/ 224.72/ 300.00   4538ms total,  4407.23 ops/sec
1: SET str 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   47/ 419/ 217.84/ 288.00   4405ms total,  4540.30 ops/sec
1: GET str 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   90/ 329/ 216.67/ 287.00   4367ms total,  4579.80 ops/sec
1: GET str 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   23/ 372/ 218.03/ 299.00   4397ms total,  4548.56 ops/sec
1: GET str 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   19/ 359/ 210.54/ 292.00   4251ms total,  4704.78 ops/sec
1: SET buf 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   82/ 380/ 220.46/ 295.00   4490ms total,  4454.34 ops/sec
1: SET buf 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   45/ 491/ 226.88/ 322.00   4600ms total,  4347.83 ops/sec
1: SET buf 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   43/ 458/ 226.53/ 297.00   4585ms total,  4362.05 ops/sec
1: GET buf 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   81/ 329/ 216.23/ 289.00   4357ms total,  4590.31 ops/sec
1: GET buf 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   78/ 336/ 215.59/ 297.00   4349ms total,  4598.76 ops/sec
1: GET buf 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   98/ 346/ 220.37/ 304.00   4443ms total,  4501.46 ops/sec


jakev@hyperbahn-staging02-sjc1:~/tmp/hyperbahn/benchmarks$ make take-relay
mkdir -p results/$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
ln -nsf $(git rev-parse --short HEAD) results/$(basename $(git symbolic-ref HEAD))
ln -nsf $(basename $(git symbolic-ref HEAD)) results/HEAD
pkill -u $USER -f '^nodejs-benchmarks' || true
BENCH_CONFIG=config/relay.json,config/take.json node index.js -o results/HEAD/relay.json
running /home/jakev/tmp/tchannel-node/benchmarks/cheat-channel/bench_server[33721]
running /home/jakev/tmp/hyperbahn/benchmarks/hyperbahn-worker[33723]
{"level":"warn","message":"got empty ringop bootstrap host list, using null instead"}
running /home/jakev/tmp/tchannel-node/benchmarks/multi_bench[33732]
1:  SET str 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   50/ 213/ 125.64/ 189.00   2554ms total,  7830.85 ops/sec
1:  SET str 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   42/ 238/ 124.45/ 218.00   2510ms total,  7968.13 ops/sec
1:  SET str 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:    4/ 249/ 136.34/ 228.00   2752ms total,  7267.44 ops/sec
1:  GET str 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   17/ 245/ 137.62/ 208.00   2791ms total,  7165.89 ops/sec
1:  GET str 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   38/ 231/ 136.24/ 197.00   2759ms total,  7249.00 ops/sec
1:  GET str 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   10/ 327/ 148.98/ 229.00   3015ms total,  6633.50 ops/sec
1:  SET buf 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   18/ 272/ 152.58/ 237.00   3100ms total,  6451.61 ops/sec
1:  SET buf 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   32/ 267/ 126.96/ 213.00   2669ms total,  7493.44 ops/sec
1:  SET buf 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   54/ 254/ 127.20/ 219.00   2571ms total,  7779.07 ops/sec
1:  GET buf 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   20/ 240/ 118.10/ 197.00   2390ms total,  8368.20 ops/sec
1:  GET buf 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   11/ 238/ 121.14/ 191.00   2447ms total,  8173.27 ops/sec
1:  GET buf 4KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   18/ 221/ 124.20/ 194.00   2603ms total,  7683.44 ops/sec
1: SET str 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:    7/ 356/ 183.04/ 291.00   3740ms total,  5347.59 ops/sec
1: SET str 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   17/ 350/ 164.53/ 278.00   3442ms total,  5810.58 ops/sec
1: SET str 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   10/ 363/ 172.77/ 298.00   3525ms total,  5673.76 ops/sec
1: GET str 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   11/ 295/ 168.38/ 269.00   3409ms total,  5866.82 ops/sec
1: GET str 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:    9/ 307/ 159.05/ 272.00   3221ms total,  6209.25 ops/sec
1: GET str 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   28/ 411/ 149.59/ 290.00   3029ms total,  6602.84 ops/sec
1: SET buf 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:    7/ 378/ 176.30/ 278.00   3565ms total,  5610.10 ops/sec
{"changedKeys":[],"newConfig":{"circuits.enabled":true,"rateLimiting.enabled":true,"rateLimiting.exemptServices":["autobahn","ringpop"],"rateLimiting.totalRpsLimit":50000,"rateLimiting.rpsLimitForServiceName":{"benchmark":50000},"peer-heap.enabled.global":true},"_hostname":"hyperbahn-staging02-sjc1","_pid":33723,"_processTitle":"nodejs-benchmarks-hyperbahn_worker","level":"info","message":"[remote-config] config file changed"}
1: SET buf 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   11/ 418/ 166.67/ 289.00   3372ms total,  5931.20 ops/sec
1: SET buf 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   14/ 406/ 168.38/ 273.00   3463ms total,  5775.34 ops/sec
1: GET buf 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:    6/ 405/ 147.42/ 266.00   2987ms total,  6695.68 ops/sec
1: GET buf 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   15/ 417/ 171.69/ 299.00   3474ms total,  5757.05 ops/sec
1: GET buf 16KiB,  1000/0 min/max/avg/p95:   12/ 323/ 157.25/ 275.00   3176ms total,  6297.23 ops/sec
child exited /home/jakev/tmp/tchannel-node/benchmarks/multi_bench[33732] code 0 signal null
benchmark finished
child exited /home/jakev/tmp/tchannel-node/benchmarks/cheat-channel/bench_server[33721] code 143 signal null
child exited /home/jakev/tmp/hyperbahn/benchmarks/hyperbahn-worker[33723] code 143 signal null
ln -sf $(readlink -f results/HEAD/relay.json) results/relay.json
echo "Done results/relay.json -> $(readlink -f results/relay.json)"
Done results/relay.json -> /home/jakev/tmp/hyperbahn/benchmarks/results/3228d0c/relay.json

Also note that the average latency went down :)

r: @jcorbin @rf

rf commented 8 years ago
