uber-archive / hyperbahn

Service discovery and routing for large scale microservice operations
MIT License
396 stars 57 forks source link

No longer under active development #303

Closed blampe closed 8 years ago

blampe commented 8 years ago


DavidTPate commented 8 years ago

I'd love to hear what alternative you are using instead. I'm guessing REST calls all over the place instead.

Raynos commented 8 years ago


@DavidTPate We use many things, this includes tchannel & http. We use either a router ( hyperbahn, haproxy ) or we use direct connect ( using host files and client-side load balancing ). Honestly, a lot of these things used in production are not under active development.

We have teams working on new solutions that will be used in the future like https://github.com/yarpc. We are slowly ramping down our internal hyperbahn traffic and migrating it to a new internal tchannel router.