uber-archive / makisu

Fast and flexible Docker image building tool, works in unprivileged containerized environments like Mesos and Kubernetes.
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Image failed to build without modifyfs #233

Closed Xuanwo closed 5 years ago

Xuanwo commented 5 years ago

I failed to build image with following Dockerfile and options.


:) makisu version
master-unreleased <-- It's 0.1.11 actually.


FROM alpine:3.9
LABEL maintainer="Xuanwo <xuanwo@yunify.com>"

RUN apk add --no-cache --update openvpn dumb-init

VOLUME ["/etc/openvpn"]

EXPOSE 1194 1194/udp

ENTRYPOINT ["dumb-init"]

CMD ["/usr/sbin/openvpn", "--cd", "/etc/openvpn/", "--config", "config.ovpn"]

Build error log

:) makisu build -t xuanwo/docker:lastest  ./
{"level":"info","ts":1560321653.408207,"msg":"Starting Makisu build (version=master-unreleased)"}
{"level":"info","ts":1560321653.408749,"msg":"Using build context: /home/xuanwo/Code/yunify/qingstor/docker-openvpn"}
{"level":"info","ts":1560321653.4088597,"msg":"Using local file at /tmp/makisu-storage/cache_key_value.json for cacheID storage"}
{"level":"info","ts":1560321653.4088726,"msg":"No registry information provided, using cached layers"}
{"level":"error","ts":1560321653.4089782,"msg":"Failed to fetch intermediate layer with cache ID 6068140a: find layer 6068140a: layer not found in cache"}
{"level":"info","ts":1560321653.4089913,"msg":"* Stage 1/1 : (alias=0,latestfetched=-1)"}
{"level":"error","ts":1560321653.4090784,"msg":"failed to execute build plan: execute stage: build stage 0: fs not allowed to be modified"}

Did I miss something else?

yiranwang52 commented 5 years ago

if you do not have --modifyfs, then the functionality is very limited - you cannot use RUN in dockerfile.

Xuanwo commented 5 years ago

Well, I must miss the To build Dockerfiles that contain RUN, xxx statement, tks.