uber-node / tcurl

A command line utility to talk to tchannel servers
MIT License
36 stars 7 forks source link

TCurl tiers of help #77

Open kriskowal opened 9 years ago

kriskowal commented 9 years ago

tcurl -h should provide usage, enumerating the combinations of short flags.

tcurl --help should provide long usage, enumerating short and long flags and possible combinations of use, and a one line summary of each rule.

man tcurl should provide the full man page with the short usage in the synopsis and the long form explanation of each individual combination and option with all caveats.

TCurl should provide an install script to cover installation of the man page on Darwin and Linux.

Raynos commented 9 years ago


The install script is npm i tcurl -g which does the right thing if the "man" key is set in the package.