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tmux command not found #34

Open HosinLau opened 5 years ago

HosinLau commented 5 years ago

Hi, I ran into trouble when running the command ". scripts/local_run_exp.sh", where the cygwin terminal gives "-bash: tmux: command not found". Seems like nobody have ran into this problem before, I hope someone can give a help. Thanks in advance!

EmanueleLM commented 5 years ago

I had the same problem, on an apt based system (like Ubuntu) an "sudo apt-get install tmux" solves the problem.

HosinLau commented 5 years ago

Emanuel, thanks for replying. I am on Windows so the sudo apt-get does not work for me. Is there an equivalent here?

EmanueleLM commented 5 years ago

I'm sure there is a workaround for tmux, but then I think you may face other issues like installing redis, tensorflow and making it all work on Windows. I tried myself to run this code on Windows10, then I ended up installing a virtual machine with vanilla Ubuntu (works like a piece of cacke and in 30 minutes you have a working instance, but you loose a lot in terms of performances), and finally installed Ubuntu 19 on bare metal. In the last two cases it's enough an apt-get install so my strong advice is to install at least Ubuntu.

Another solution is to rent a machine on gcp, ibm cloud or aws I'm currently working with an instance with 90 vcores on gcp and Ubuntu 18.04


HosinLau commented 5 years ago

Thanks, Emanuele. I am tired of the lagging of VMs. I will try out other solutions.

EmanueleLM commented 5 years ago

Of course you can see which commands tmux raises in order to spawn the various 'screens' and do it by yourself without tmux. I make you an example with redis spawn that refers to 'local_redis_run.sh'':

tmux new -s redis -d
tmux send-keys -t redis 'redis-server redis_config/redis_master.conf' C-m
tmux split-window -t redis
tmux send-keys -t redis 'redis-server redis_config/redis_local_mirror.conf' C-m
tmux a -t redis

You can replace this config file with two distinct commands (possibly on two different consoles):

redis-server redis_config/redis_master.conf
redis-server redis_config/redis_local_mirror.conf