uber / RIBs

Uber's cross-platform mobile architecture framework.
Apache License 2.0
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Android Jetpack (Navigation Architecture Components) #250

Open rendecano opened 6 years ago

rendecano commented 6 years ago

Hey guys, I'm sure most of you have already watched the Google IO 2018 videos particularly the newly introduced Android Jetpack..

They've introduced this Navigation Architecture component: https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/navigation/navigation-implementing#kotlin

Note: The Navigation Architecture Component is designed for apps that have one main activity with multiple fragment destinations. The main activity “hosts” the navigation graph. In an app with multiple activity destinations, each additional activity hosts its own navigation graph.

This sounds like a RIB concept but with one RootActivity but instead of using plain Views objects, Fragments will be used. Any insights on this? (especially Uber developers) :slightly_smiling_face:


chantellosejo commented 3 years ago

IMO Jetpack and the architecture components supersede any purpose that RIBs might serve and do it in a much smarter way. If your app really has any substantial number of screens and "flow" to it, RIBs is a poor framework to build on. I feel like Uber touches on this a little in their articles about RIBs but their use case is pretty special so I would be careful when deciding to implement such an opinionated framework. It's going to be a long, painful journey for my company to get off of this (and that sets aside the total lack of support since it took them 2 years for an update).

Although at this point I doubt anyone reading this is looking to implement this framework, a warning seems prudent.

Mike-the-Monsta commented 1 year ago

@tyvsmith @jbarr21 Any insights?