Because RxSwift and Combine are so similar, and because Combine is an Apple-provided library, would it be worth it to switch to a backwards-compatible version of it, e.g. OpenCombine? That project says that it's in "early development", and I don't know of any other version of Combine, but perhaps it would be worth thinking about right now.
In hindsight, we can now see that Apple may deprecate Combine in favor of AsyncStream and it's related operators. Guess it was a good call not to move to OpenCombine after all.
Because RxSwift and Combine are so similar, and because Combine is an Apple-provided library, would it be worth it to switch to a backwards-compatible version of it, e.g. OpenCombine? That project says that it's in "early development", and I don't know of any other version of Combine, but perhaps it would be worth thinking about right now.