uber / RIBs

Uber's cross-platform mobile architecture framework - Android Repository
Apache License 2.0
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install issue in iOS #389

Open Odyflame opened 3 years ago

Odyflame commented 3 years ago
pod 'RIBs', '~> 0.9'

when insert this code in podFile and run pod install, there is some issue that

CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "RxSwift":
In snapshot (Podfile.lock):
    RxSwift (= 5.1.1, ~> 5, ~> 5.0)

  In Podfile:
    Moya/RxSwift was resolved to 14.0.0, which depends on
      RxSwift (~> 5.0)

    RIBs was resolved to 0.9.1, which depends on
      RxSwift (~> 4.0)

    RxCocoa was resolved to 5.1.1, which depends on
      RxSwift (~> 5)


i think this error comes when RxSwift is already in podFile..

programming086 commented 4 months ago

@rudro if change podspec need change version too and run

pod trunk push RIBs.podspec

P.S. for lint

pod spec lint RIBs.podspec