uber / cadence-web

Web UI for visualizing workflows on Cadence
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Access to CDN for assets is not always available #117

Open sevein opened 4 years ago

sevein commented 4 years ago

cadence-web loads a number of assets from a CDN (d1a3f4spazzrp4.cloudfront.net) such as uber-icons and uber-fonts. Visual glitches are present in the web interface when these assets can't be accessed, e.g. no Internet connection.

Example using Firefox:


just-at-uber commented 4 years ago

We are aware of these issues and agree we should have SVG embedded icons instead of using font icons as these are also inaccessible. That way they are bundled with the build and shouldn't be an issue.

MrCalan commented 2 years ago

Are there any news on this issue ?

Another side effect of this is that it causes a ~30 seconds lag when loading the interface. I guess it tries to download the assets for that long, then times out and displays the interface.

just-at-uber commented 2 years ago

There are no immediate plans on making a fix for this in the near term future, but feel free to raise a PR which:

and I will do a review. Thank you!