uber / mockolo

Efficient Mock Generator for Swift
Apache License 2.0
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Support type composition (`&` keyword) #217

Closed fummicc1 closed 1 year ago

fummicc1 commented 1 year ago


When use & keyword to conform to multiple protocols, mockolo only picks up the first protocol.

This issue is already mentioned in #170

protocol FirstSwiftProtocol {
    var someBool: Bool { get }

    func doSomething()

protocol SecondSwiftProtocol {
    var someInt: Int { get set }

    func doSomethingElse() -> Bool

/// @mockable
protocol TestProtocol: FirstSwiftProtocol & SecondSwiftProtocol {
    func doSomethingSpecial()
/// @Generated by Mockolo

class TestProtocolMock: TestProtocol {
    init() { }
    init(someBool: Bool = false) {
        self.someBool = someBool

    private(set) var someBoolSetCallCount = 0
    var someBool: Bool = false { didSet { someBoolSetCallCount += 1 } }

    private(set) var doSomethingCallCount = 0
    var doSomethingHandler: (() -> ())?
    func doSomething()  {
        doSomethingCallCount += 1
        if let doSomethingHandler = doSomethingHandler {


    private(set) var doSomethingSpecialCallCount = 0
    var doSomethingSpecialHandler: (() -> ())?
    func doSomethingSpecial()  {
        doSomethingSpecialCallCount += 1
        if let doSomethingSpecialHandler = doSomethingSpecialHandler {



checking if inheritedType is CompositionType or not.

fummicc1 commented 1 year ago


Thank you for reviewing!

This will not work in nested tupled protocol but maybe enough with this implementation in majour usecase.

I wasn't aware of this case, you mean protocol A: (B & C) was not correctly parsed, right?

Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 12 43 54

I think this problem can be fixed at https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/217/commits/6253922b620d2362ac0c6369b85b5fcf698c376a . What do you think of it?