uber / mockolo

Efficient Mock Generator for Swift
Apache License 2.0
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Wrap underlyingType if the type has existential any #235

Closed sidepelican closed 1 year ago

sidepelican commented 1 year ago

Add support for existential any.

Current behavior

protocol P {
    var foo: any P { get }

class PMock: P {
    private(set) var fooSetCallCount = 0
    private var _foo: any P!  { didSet { fooSetCallCount += 1 } }
    var foo: any P {
        get { return _foo }
        set { _foo = newValue }

This is wrong. any P! must be (any P)!.


    private(set) var fooSetCallCount = 0
    private var _foo: (any P)!  { didSet { fooSetCallCount += 1 } }
    var foo: any P {
        get { return _foo }
        set { _foo = newValue }


Keep current behavior for non any marked protocol for legacy codes.