uber / uReplicator

Improvement of Apache Kafka Mirrormaker
Apache License 2.0
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uReplicator and SSL/SASL Zookeeper #347

Open disserakt opened 2 years ago

disserakt commented 2 years ago

@yangy0000 @xhl1988 - I need your help =)

Can a uReplicator connect to a zookeeper using the SSL protocol and log in to it using the SASL method? Since the uReplicator and Helix store their service information in the zookeeper, I'm interested in whether the uReplicator can work with a protected zookeeper. Unfortunately, I did not find direct indications of this in the wiki or configuration examples.

I would be glad to hear any advice, thanks.

dungnt081191 commented 2 years ago

@disserakt yes of course. uReplicator can authen using SSL

dungnt081191 commented 2 years ago

You can using docker image here https://hub.docker.com/r/dungnt081191/ureplicator

I already build image support all case we need. And also have some instruction

disserakt commented 2 years ago

@dungnt081191 - thank you very much, you did a very useful thing =)

My question is about something else - not about authorization (SSL and SASL) in Kafka and Zookeeper, with which Kafka works. I am interested in authorization of the uReplicator itself with a Zookeeper.

That is, the manager, controller and Helix worker have a configuration parameter - zookeeper and zkServer

For controller:

zookeeper |   | zk1, zk2/cluster1-cluster2 | Zookeeper path for each deployment, we recommend to put src-dst in the zookeeper path to isolate each deployment. -- | -- | -- | --

For manager:

zookeeper     Helix zookeeper path. Should be same as zookeeper in controller

For Helix worker:

zkServer   uReplicator Helix cluster name which should be the same as helixClusterName in controller

In this Zookeeper, the uReplicator stores system information and the status of its components. And just the question is - can the uReplicator store all this in a secure Zookeeper, connecting to it via SSL and SASL.

disserakt commented 2 years ago

@xhl1988 @yangy0000 @zhenminli @Technoboy- - I apologize for mentioning you, but this question is extremely important to me. I will be glad to any advice on how to implement this, if it is possible to do this of course. Thanks.